The Last GoodBye



He had been waiting there since last 25 minutes. Suddenly his eyes saw the one for whom he was waiting for so long. That beautiful lady wearing baby pink dress was approaching towards his table. As soon as she came near to him, she gave a sweet smile and he stood up to show the etiquettes of a gentleman by offereing her chair. She sit calmly. He too took his seat. Silence prevailed for a moment and then the waiter broke the silence by asking for order. He knew what she liked, so he ordered her favourite drink, banana shake with lots of icecream. Silence still was accompanying them. Earleir they were fond of each other and couldn’t resist talking, but now they were not getting a single word to speak. How strange. Then finally he gathered some courage and said,”So, finally leaving today?” “Yes.” She replied without looking at him. He paused for a while and asked again,”You are leaving so soon. Aren’t you?” “I had to go today, you know naa?” She cross questioned.

It hadn’t been so long when they met. A few days back they were introduced in the college carnival. They spent few hours together and had a lot of talks. The very next morning they met again coincidentally. They had five days and these five days had been the best days of their lives. They talked, laughed, walked and did everything to enjoy those moments. There was no love between them, but there was something. Something very unusual. Something that’s not common. In the evening of the fourth night they had a dinner, walked near the beach, lay down on the wet sand, counted the stars and shared the most adorable moments of their lives with each other. And then went to sleep in their rooms. But they both couldn’t sleep that night.

The next morning they planned to meet for the last time just to say The Last GoodBye. And now they were here, sitting speechless. Why couldn’t they find words now? What in world had stopped them to let out their feelings? What forbade and pursuaded them not to express the emotions of their hearts? The drink was over. And yet they hadn’t speak a word. Finally she had a look at her watch and said,”I have to leave now or i’ll miss my college bus.” He looked at her and just nodded his head. She stood up and he again showed the male etiquettes and asked her,”May i accompany you?” “Yeah, for sure.” She replied. Then they started walking silently. The destination had arrived, everything was packed and done. Bus was just ready to leave. He said”Good Bye friend.” “Good Bye friend.” She replied and boarded the bus. The bus moved. He kept standing there for a moment and thought in his mind,”She is leaving man.” And then he turned back. The moment he turned his back, her hand came out of the window. He waved his hand and she too waved her hand. They both said together,”The Last Good Bye friend.”

“Goodbyes don’t mean that we won’t meet again, they simply mean we will meet again but don’t know when…!”

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