ME vs. WE



We humans are bounded by many responsibilities. And if we just ignore them then life becomes hell as no one can live a lonely life. We all need people around us. Either family or friends or someone special, we always need someone in our lives. But sometimes we get indulged so much in the company of others that we actually forget ourselves. And this is the topic about which i am gonna write here.
I know it would sound awkward if i write that in the fight of ME vs. WE , we sometimes need to let ME win. ๐Ÿ™‚
Not every person in this world is lucky to have a perfect life. But yes, if we try then even everyone of us can hopefully get a good life, if not perfect one. ๐Ÿ˜€
I am not a magician who will just move her magic wand and change a boring life into exciting one. But…But…But…i do believe that if we start looking after the person whom we daily see in our mirror then definitely one day our life can be the one we dream about. If you still haven’t got my point then let me be more clear. What i wanna write here is that it’s really good if you are fulfilling all your duties towards your family and society but make sure that these duties shouldn’t be the hurdles in the way of your self development or rather i should write your self improvement.
You are a good father or mother, you are a good son or daughter, you are a good brother or sister, you are a good husband or wife, you are a good friend or lover, but all this goodness is a total waste of time if you are not good to your own self. Every soul needs care and tenderness. And if you don’t feed your soul with the nutrients of self care then clearly you won’t be able to care for others too. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
I know you would think that writing such good words is easy but there is no practicality in these beautiful words. No, it’s not like that. Believe me you can be the change you want. What you need to do is start caring for yourself. And more importantly sometimes it is good to be selfish and to think about yourself first.
So, next time whenever you find sometime, go and give sometime to the person who is just your shadow and who breaths inside you.
And keep remembering my friends,
“Loving yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself…!”

I would love to see your comments in the comment box.
Keep reading. ๐Ÿ™‚

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